Saturday, February 19, 2011


Sometime, not long after Christmas, the whole family decided to go bowling! I hadn't gone bowling in a VERY long time. Brett and I will have to add that to the list of things to do when his leg is healed. The list is get longer and longer.

Here are a few fun pictures of the outing:

Lauren wore a tutu, leggings and the cutest bow in her hair!

Grandma Midge and Saul Baby!

Torsten LOVES bowling! He would not let that ball out of his sight.

I have been terrible about capturing picture memories lately. I just realized I didn't take ANY pictures of New Years Eve. Brett and I went to Orso with our friends Kendall and Sam and had a delightful time. It was laid back and engaging. We enjoy spending time with them, although we haven't taken advantage of it like we should with only a short time left in Alaska.

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