Tuesday, September 11, 2012


As I mentioned before, I had been in nesting mode for several weeks. The day before I was to go into the hospital I went to Hobby Lobby to buy some supplies for making a wreath and MORE headbands for Evy. When I was in the check-out line I started having contractions and was rubbing my belly. The cashier said, "Is the baby moving in there?" I said, "Oh, I'm just having a contraction." She replied with concern, "Oh dear, it's way too early for you to be having contractions." I told her I was actually going to have my baby that week. She yelled to the other cashiers, "Look at this woman! She just told me she is going to have a baby this week! That's going to be a 3lb baby!"

People constantly made comments about the size of my belly. When I announced during Good News Minute in Relief Society, "I'm going to have a baby this week. That's good news to me!" a concerned sister said, "No way. Is something wrong? Why are you having your baby so soon?"We talked afterward and I explained to her that I was indeed due that week. Normally it would be flattering to a pregnant woman to have people so surprised that she was due, but because of my concerns with Evy's growth, it made me nervous. Luckily, the ultrasounds confirmed she was growing perfectly so I tried to focus on that.

On the morning of July 17th my mom flew in to Colorado. We spent the day deep cleaning the apartment and then mom took a little nap knowing it would be a long night ahead. I couldn't sleep. I was too excited! I looked through my hospital bag to make sure I had everything I needed. I would not actually be induced until the morning of July 18th, but I was asked to check-in at the hospital on the evening of July 17th to be given Cervidil to start ripening my cervix. Brett had his last final at 8am on July 18th, so my mom flew in so that she could stay with me at the hospital while Brett was home studying and getting a good night's rest.

When Brett returned home from school we all went to Cafe Rio before heading to the hospital. My doctor had instructed me to eat a good meal before checking in and to me, Cafe Rio is the ultimate "good meal!" We even ordered chips and queso to celebrate!

We arrived at Rose Medical Center around 6pm. We walked up to L&D and one of the nurses said, "Now that is cute!" My mom replied, "Isn't she adorable? She still has a waist!" We were taken to room 11 and an IV was started. I had been a bit nervous for the IV. I was so sick of needles at this point. (Since 36 weeks I had been giving myself Heparin injections 3x a day and before that Lovenox 2x a day). The nurse was awesome and I barely felt the poke. Hooray!

7:30pm Dilated 1cm, 50% effaced
7:45pm Ultrasound to confirm Evy's head was down
8:15pm Cervidil was inserted. This was to prepare my cervix for induction the next morning. The same drug had started my sister into labor with her 3rd baby.
9:30pm Brett went home to study
Mom and I watched HGTV Design Star and relaxed for a while. We called Brooke on Facetime and chatted. I was there when she delivered her first baby and we were so sad she couldn't be there to watch Evy's delivery!

This is our attempt at taking a picture with Brooke
The nurse offered Ambien to help me sleep. I wasn't sure if I wanted to take it or not. Some of my patients had done some crazy things after taking Ambien, but knowing my mom would be there and that I needed to get some sleep to prepare for the next day, I chose to take it. Right before I fell asleep I heard a baby cry in the next room. I said, "Mom, did you hear that?" and fell asleep with a smile on my face knowing I would be the lucky one the next day!

4:30am I woke up and went to the bathroom. I was having trouble sleeping because my contractions were becoming more regular. The Cervidil had put me into labor! I was pretty excited and so was Evy according to the fetal heart monitor. :)
7:00am I lost my mucous plug and contractions were coming every 3 minutes.

7:40am I took a warm bath to ease contractions and to relax. Dr. Onstad came in to say hello!
8:20am Mom and I took a walk around the unit. During contractions I would just squat in the hallway or lean against the handrail.
8:50am Brett arrived. His test started at 8am. He completed a 60 minute test in 20 minutes. When he walked in I started to cry. I was so happy to see him! The reality of starting a little family really hit me and I was so happy for my belief in eternal families.

9:35am Dilated 3.5-4cm, 90% effaced. Membranes artificially ruptured.
9:45am Epidural placed. I didn't really feel like I needed the epidural yet. The contractions were manageable, but my nurse encouraged me to get an epidural now that my membranes were ruptured because contractions would become much more intense. I figured since I planned to get an epidural anyway, why not get one now? I was really pleased with my epidural. I could still feel contractions and move my legs.
10am I was checked again with no change, but the nurse felt baby hair! Wahoo!
11:30am Pitocin was started because my contractions had slowed to 7-10 minutes apart.

At this point Brett and I took a little nap. I knew I had some pushing ahead of me and I wanted to conserve as much energy as possible.

2:50pm Dilated 7-8cm, L side 100% effaced, R side 80%
During transition I got sick and vomited. I also began to shake uncontrollably. My mom said she used to do the same thing and we hoped it meant I was getting close!
5:15 Brett gave me a priesthood blessing. I was worried about the possibility of a pulmonary embolism or hemorrhage, but I felt peace after the blessing.
5:50 pm I had been checked several times and the lip on the R side of my cervix remained. It was moveable, but I wasn't yet feeling the urge to push so we decided to allow for passive descent. We Skyped Brooke and her kids. The boys did the Evy Dance to help her come faster!

6:55pm I started to feel some pressure and I was 100% effaced. It was shift change so we waited for our new nurse.
7:30pm Our new nurse came in for some practice pushes. She warned me that first time moms often push for 2-3 hours. We used to mirror to help me direct my pushing and after a few minutes she grabbed Dr. Onstad.
8:31pm My beautiful baby girl was born! Her head was delivered easily, but she had her arms up to her chest with the cord tightly gripped and unfortunately I tore when I delivered her shoulders. Ouch! Dr. Onstad let me reach over and pull Evy onto my chest. It was amazing!

 The first thing I noticed were her little dimples! What a sweet little girl! 
She looked JUST like her Daddy! 

 10 fingers and 10 toes

7lbs 4oz, 20.5 inches

We were taken to postpartum and shortly after we went to the nursery for Evy's first scrub down!

 She was NOT very happy about it, until they rubbed her little head!

 All clean and toasty! Evy started sucking her thumb just a couple of 
hours after she was born! SO CUTE! 

 So THIS is LOVE...


JMR said...

It was so fun reading your story! Glad Evy made it here safe! She is a doll! My baby was due Aug 22 nd but came on July 29th so our babies are only 11 days apart!

Casseron said...

Lexi, she is just adorable!! I am so excited for you and your family. It's so crazy how much a little babe can change your life forever. I hope all is well!

gramakelly said...

I remember her Daddy at that age. How time does fly... She is beautiful, and it is obvious she is so very loved. Hugs to all of you!

Rose Medical Center said...

Hi Lexi,

I work at Rose Medical Center, and stumbled across your blog earlier this week, and loved your story. I manage our hospital blog, Rose Knows Health (www.roseknowshealth.com), and I was wondering if you would be interested in writing 1-2 blogs about your pregnancy and birth experience as a guest blogger for us! Please let me know if you're interested. You can email me at julia.yugel@healthonecares.com

Julia Yugel
Marketing Coordinator
Rose Medical Center