Wednesday, March 7, 2012


March 6, 2012
We had our 20 week OB appointment yesterday and the big fetal anatomy ultrasound. I had to work the two night leading up to the appointment and I was exhausted, but when I arrived home on Tuesday morning I was too excited to sleep! I eventually crashed for about 3 hours and then popped right up to get ready for my appointment. I picked Brett up from school on the way to
Dr. Onstad's office. We were getting phone calls and text from friends and family as we sat in the waiting room for what seemed like an hour! I'm normally a pretty patient person, especially after having worked in a doctors' office, but my feet were tapping and my heart was racing. FINALLY they called us back to the ultrasound room. I had called ahead to ask if it was okay to bring a camera and they said I would not be allowed to film the ultrasound due to liability concerns. We brought it anyway in hopes that the U/S tech would allow us to film for a short time when she determined the gender. Andy, the U/S tech was GREAT, and she told us we could film whatever we wanted! ;)

I couldn't believe how much baby had grown since our last U/S at 12 weeks. When we listed to baby's heartbeat I started to cry (shocker, right?) and Andy said, "Stop. You're going to make me cry. There is a rule against making the U/S tech cry!" It was fun to see the little heart and toes and legs and belly. We were in heaven. This was Brett's first time actually seeing baby, aside from U/S pics I had brought home.

Then it was time for what we had been waiting for... baby was being a bit shy. Legs crossed at the ankles and Andy said, "This baby has chubby thighs!" Could it be the ice cream, cheetos, and steak fries I have been eating by the pound? We looked and looked and Andy said, "Well, I have triple checked and I feel pretty comfortable saying it's a..."

I don't know if it was mother's intuition or just a good guess, but I have been calling baby a girl all along! Something inside of me just knew. I had already chosen colors for the nursery, bought a few outfits, etc. Brett was hoping for a boy to be his buddy, but is very excited to have a little girl. I have seen him with our nieces and I have no doubts this little girl is going to have him wrapped around her little finger in NO TIME!

After the U/S we had our appointment with Dr. Onstad. As we sat in the waiting room I must have had a goofy smile on my face because Brett began to chuckle and look at me with the look that means, "This is the mother of my children." Dr. Onstad said baby looks great! Proportions are perfect - heart, brain, etc. are formed well. Phew!

We had so much fun calling family with the news! She will be the first granddaughter on the Aegerter side so when we called my mom she FLIPPED! She is so excited! Brett's sister, Rams, just found out she is having a little girl just a couple weeks after us so she was happy as well. Everyone was so cute when they heard! :)

20 Weeks! Baby is the size of a grapefruit!

Right after the U/S we went out and bought a fun little summer outfit for our little GIRL!

3D picture of baby girl's profile. Can't wait to see that sweet little face!


I am not normally one for cheesy comments, but a couple of weeks ago I was day dreaming about baby and told Brett "I am the luckiest girl in the whole world to get to be a mommy!" and without hesitating he said, "Our babies are the luckiest in the world to have you as their mommy."


The McDonalds said...

Congrats on your baby girl! She will be beautiful! And you look great! Still can't even see that bump :)

Nicole said...

Congrats! You will LOVE having a little girl! They are so much fun!

gramakelly said...

Pink and lace and hair ribbons and shoes ~ oh the fun of it all! Congratulations!!!