Wednesday, January 25, 2012


We had planned to spend Christmas in Utah this year, but with me starting a new job we knew it was very likely I would be working Christmas Day. LUCKILY... because the hospital did not want to give holiday pay to a new employee still in training, I was off for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Yipee! When my Dad heard this he acted fast and booked a flight for Brett and me to arrive in Utah on December 23rd.

Because I had been so sick with my pregnancy I hadn't bought a thing for Brett. I attempted a shopping trip with my Mom on the 24th, but didn't last long and still came home empty-handed. NO Santa this year! Oops! Worst wife ever award? IN THE BAG! So I guess I didn't come home totally empty-handed. ;)

On Christmas Eve we opened our traditional pajamas. This year was an EXTRA treat! Linds had sent some AMAZING pajamas for us! Brett was Santa and I was his elf! (pictures coming soon)

We Skyped with Brett's family that night and told them our pregnancy news! We had planned on telling them Christmas Day, but we were too excited to wait and since they were all together, we figured there was no better time to share! We had sent presents to our nieces and nephews with a note attached to each that gave a hint about the pregnancy. They all looked a bit puzzled to begin with, then Corinne began yelling "They're going to have a baby!" and jumping around! It was fun to see the kids so excited. COUSINS!! We also sent a calendar to each sibling/parent with pictures of family and on July 21st we marked the baby's due date with a picture of little baby feet.

On Christmas morning we woke up early and went downstairs to open presents and have our traditional breakfast burritos and monkey bread. Afterwards we went to church - what a beautiful way to spend Christmas morning.

That afternoon we were joined by extended family for a fondue dinner, games, and chatting that extended into the early hours of the next morning.

On Monday we went bowling! What a blast! Brett pulled out some hidden bowling talent and "won" with the highest score. I was somewhere near the bottom. Likely because, with this pregnancy, I didn't want to strain myself throwing the ball too quickly...or accurately for that matter. ;)

The next morning we flew home. I had lost my I.D. while shopping on the 24th and by some miracle was still allowed to board the plane. I was secretly hoping they wouldn't let us board because I had to work that night and would have loved an extra day with family - SHOOT!

Christmas decorations around our little apartment:


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