Our friend Rose asked us to take a few things up in the truck when we drive to AK in a few weeks. (By the way, for those who don't know, we'll be living in Alaska this summer). Among those things are a couple of longboards. We thought we'd try them out tonight!
Thanks, Rosey Posey!
I was once in a tragic longboarding accident so I was a little hesitant! Haha!

I did stand though! TaDA!

Brett jumped right on it...

...and then ripped his pants! OOOPS!

Right about then, Easton showed up to play!

he those are my old boards! that one brett has got is pretty tricky...
hey your mom said hello to us on our blog! tell her hi back! I couldn't leave anything on her blog! And tell that bum you call a brother to call or email us!! :o)
Alaska? Who do you know in Alaska? LOL
You're living in Alaska?? What??? How fun!! So you're coming back for the fall, right?
Lexi, I didn't know you guys are going to Alaska for the summer!! My best friend Brittany Poulsen and her husband are living there for the summer too because he is selling for APEX. Does Brett work for APEX?!
Oh and I had a really bad longboarding accident too so now I'm a total wuss so I don't blame you. Haha
Yup, we'll be back in the fall to start up school again, but we'll spend the whole summer in Alaska. Linds, Brett is from Alaska! :) So we're going up to hang out with his family and try to earn some money. No APEX for us! :)
Oh that looks like so much fun! I didin't know you were going to alaska! Cute pictures!!!
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