This is one of my favorite Kris songs:
To Make You Feel My Love
(Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste - I don't know how to post videos. Anyone want to tell me how? I have tried and I can't get it to work!)
It appeals to my cheesy, sentimental side. I tear up a little when I listen to it because I think Brett really does love me like the song describes. He's a nice little husband!
GREAT NEWS...So You Think You Can Dance has begun!! I started watching this with my friend Cass and I'm hooked! I think it's fascinating because I can't dance - AT ALL! In fact, I've been to this Tae Bo class a few times lately and I look like a wobbly noodle with no rhythm.
I was watching Dan In Real Life a few days ago and there is a scene where they are doing aerobics. If you want to see what I look like doing Tae Bo, throw in this movie and just watch "Dan" in the background trying to keep up!
I guess at least I'm entertainment for the other women who got up at 5:30am to exercise!
Hey Lexi I do remember you, I think we had seminary together for awhile. Congrats on your marriage and have fun in Alaska this summer. I have some friends going up there too, it sounds fun. I'm glad you stumbled across our blog.
Trevor and I were pretty shocked that Kris won but I actually had liked him from the beginning. I think he has more of my style of music even though I still think Adam is amazing! I also loved it when he sung "To make you feel my love"!! That is one of my favorite Garth Brooks classics! Oh and I LOVE Dan In Real Life!! We own it and I remember the first time we saw it in theaters I was about in tears from laughing so hard at that dance scene! :)
Lexi you are so funny! We watch American Idol too. Jana was crying, Kenzi and I were screaming and Nick was laughing at us. I love Kris Allen, he's so cute!! Cute Blog Background ;) Yes you did hear right Mac does have a new girl....she'e really cute and came to St. George with us! Fun girl!!
I was pretty shocked that Kris Allen one too, they were both good though, I just though Adam was going to win for sure, he is one super talented guy!! I totally know what you mean about aerobics, I've been going to classes lately and I am so out of shape I practically die and can't keep up each class!! I've vowed now to never let myself get this out of shape again, it is the worst!! I love Dan in Real Life though, one of my favorites!!
I'm so glad to hear that you are still watching so you think you can dance!! It was on last night and it was way good!!
Oh he was so awesome! I'm glad he noe because he is such a nice guy!!!
take the code in the "embed me" section of the video on youtube and then when you are creating your post click on the html tab. Enter that code there (not in the compose tab where you probably normally write your post) You won't see the video until you post it.
Are you guys in Fairbanks? Where are you?
You got your dance skills from your older sis! Washing machine anyone?
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