Monday, October 15, 2012

The First Week

It still hurts when I think about recovery. GULP. I was so glad to have Brett and my mom to help me. I LOVED taking care of Evy, but I needed someone to take care of me. I had a violent cough that would not go away and every time I had a little coughing fit I felt like I was tearing again, I still had to give myself shots twice a day and my nipples were bleeding. I don't mean to sound like a big whiner, but I want to make sure to document the entire experience. Would I do it all again? TOMORROW!

The beautiful thing was that amidst all of the not-so-fun stuff I still felt like I was floating on fluffy, white clouds because I was so happy to be a mommy. I could hardly glance Evy's way without my eyes welling up with tears. I tried to sing her lullabies at night, but I couldn't carry a tune because my voice would crack and the words wouldn't come out, even humming seemed impossible at times. I was constantly telling Brett and my mom - "I can believe how much I love her." I honestly thought my heart might pop because it was so full of JOY! Never have I been so sure that I was feeling pure JOY! 

I was on such a mommy-high that I functioned quite well with no sleep. I never napped. I looked forward to Evy waking up at night because it was like Christmas each time I saw her looking at me with those innocent eyes. I love food, as you may have noticed, but I would have been fine not eating all day long because my entire purpose was protecting, feeding, and loving this little girl. I've never felt a love like this. So many people tried to explain what it would feel like and I thought I had a pretty good idea, but I didn't. You can't prepare for the way it alters your reality - your every thought. You don't know what it's like until you're a mommy! 

 Brett gave me these sunflowers and a Willow Tree figurine called "New Life"

We did a lot of this, starring at Evy, for the first few days. We analyzed her every feature. We tried to figure out whose ears she had and feet and hands and eyes...

 Grandma gave Evy her first sponge bath after being home.

More visitors came to see this sweet girl including- Rachel Johnston, Randy and Andria Demetter, Cam and Linds Lamb, Deanna Turner, and Rachel Nielson.

We went to the Dr. Haley's (Evy's pediatrician) office when Evy was 3 days old and she weighed 7lbs .05oz. We had plans to travel to Utah 1 week from Evy's delivery, but Dr. Haley said she would strongly discourage us from going if Evy was at her birth at that time. We scheduled a 1 week appt and were happy to see that the scale showed 7lbs 5oz on that day! I knew all of the pain and engorgement had paid off! Dr. Haley cleared us to go, but still wasn't so sure about the second part of our road trip... camping at Yosemite. We made the 7.5 hour drive to Utah in about 12 hours! Grandpa and Uncle Ben anxious awaited Evy's arrival. I'm sure they wanted to see me, too! ;)

1 comment:

Tiff and Chris said...

I bet you are a wonderful mommy...such a sweet cute girl you have!