Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dr. Honey Onstad

January 3, 2012

When I found out I was pregnant I had NO idea who to see for OB care - we had only been in Denver for a few months and I didn't know where to start. I remembered that Dr. Rothoff (the MD I worked for in AK) had gone to med school in Denver so I thought it was worth a shot to ask her if she had any connections. She suggested a few classmates who practice in the area. I researched a bit and decided on Dr. Honey Onstad.

I called her office and they squeezed me in for a visit. Like the name implies, she is as sweet as can be! She said, "You are a very patient new mom." I was almost 12 weeks by the time I had my first appointment. Truth be told, I'm not THAT patient. We were waiting for our insurance to kick in and I figured because I had been lucky enough to sit in on a few initial OB appointment as Dr. Rothoff's nurse I had the basics down. Prenatal vitamin - check! Don't smoke - check! Don't drink - working on it! Just kidding about that last one!

Dr. Onstad did an ultrasound and as soon as the picture showed up she said, "Wow, you are definitely pregnant!" Those words and the beautiful image I saw on the screen melted me and I was instantly in tears! I had worried for weeks about, well, everything! It was such a relief to see that sweet baby moving his/her fin-like appendages around and to know I was REALLY pregnant! I don't have any idea what Dr. Onstad said for the remainder of the appointment because all I could think was, "I'm going to be a mom!"

As I walked out to the truck I stared at the ultrasound images and cried. I sent a picture to Brett, who was stuck in class, of baby waving that said, "Hi, Daddy!"

When I got in the truck I called my sister to tell her about the appointment and all I could get out was "I'm really going to be a mom" and the rest was blubber, blubber, blubber. After the crying I couldn't stop smiling and then I would cry again and then smile again - it was a vicious cycle! :)

Later that week I had some more testing done and got to hear baby's heartbeat. I have NEVER heard anything more beautiful! 170 perfect beats per minute! Baby must know when we are checking him/her out because the left hand is always up by the head waving hello! Little poser!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Found you! I just love how excited you are about your pregnancy. It is adorable. Dr. Honey must love you! So excited for you guys!