Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Trimester Symptoms

12 Weeks
Baby is the size of a LIME!

Well, no belly to show off yet, but I have had a few other sweet reminders that I'm pregnant.

- Nausea - Day and night

-Vomiting - Luckily for me this has only be an occasional thing. My poor mom had frequent vomiting throughout all of her pregnancies. She must have really loved us to keep wanting more.

-Fatigue - I had mono when I was a teenager and I tell ya - mono has nothin' on pregnancy! Seriously, sometimes the thought of rolling off of the couch is too tiring. It probably doesn't help that I work, what ends up being, 13-14 hour night shifts at the hospital.

Food Aversion - Normally I love my food. I can outeat most males. Since being pregnant I have to force myself to eat. Rarely does anything sound appetizing. I came home from the grocery store with bags full of juice, crackers, and jello. I notified Brett and if he ever wanted to eat again he would need to join me at the grocery store, otherwise I will only bring home the few things that don't make me want to gag.

Super Sniffer - I can smell perfume/cologne from a mile away. This super sense has not been forgiving when it comes to some of my less glamorous nursing duties.

-Frequent urination - I bragged to Brett a few days ago that I only had to get up 3 times the previous night.

Racing thoughts - I can't stop thinking, planning, worrying, dreaming. My mind never turns off, not even at night. Which causes difficultly sleeping and only adds to the fatigue.

-Crying - Like a BIG baby! I cry at movies, songs, commercials, adorable children at the grocery store. My lowest moment was when Brett and I went to Costco and I teared up 6 times before we got out of there. I was grabbing Cordon Bleu from the freezer isle and started crying because our niece, Corinne, in Alaska used to love when we prepared Cordon Bleu for dinner and that made me miss her, etc., etc.

Ah, the joys of pregnancy! Bring it on! It'll all be worth it!

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