Monday, October 25, 2010


October 9. 2010

I had a GREAT BIRTHDAY this year! My actual BIRTHDAY was on a Saturday, but I was lucky enough to get in a few days of fun! On Friday, I got to work and found a basket full of Alaskan goodies sitting on my desk from my co-workers! I hadn't expected a thing from them - and this was such a thoughtful welcome gift.

On Saturday morning, I woke up to many missed phone calls from Brett and my sweet family. You see, Brett was in Las Vegas interviewing and my family had driven down for a mini vacation to see Brett. I was feeling pretty left out! Brett called me and was VERY excited to give me my gift. He gave me a clue, that led me to a wrapped gift with another clue, that led to another clue, and so on, until I had a PILE of gifts and clues stacked up! It was SOOO FUN! It made me feel like I was on a treasure hunt, and that I was! I have been wanting a nice camera for quite some time and Brett surprised me with just that! HOORAY! I can't wait to start learning more and using it to capture fun memories!

This was one of the clues. He apologized for not being more creative - I was just impressed he had come up with such a fun idea to begin with. What a great way to start the day!

After talking with Brett, I went upstairs and cute Linds had decorated the house with balloons and signs! It was awesome! It made me feel loved! We went to Grandma Midge's house to pick up the kids, who had spent the night there, and went on a little walk down by the river near her home. (Sorry, no pics)

Later that day I got cards in the mail from my family in Utah and this cute little picture sent from my sister and her boys in Illinois! Cute nakey boys! (For those of you who don't know - my family calls me Allie)

On Sunday, the fun continued! I know, I'm spoiled! Brett got home and the entire family came over for a BIRTHDAY dinner! My FAVORITE -- Cafe Rio!! Hooray! It was delicious! Midge made a yummy chocolate cake! I love CHOCOLATE!

Saul and Torsten love CHOCOLATE, TOO!

Rams, Me, Midge, Linds

Yay for cute nieces and nephews! I LOVE these kids!

I'd say overall it was one SWELL 24th BIRTHDAY thanks to my
family and friends who made it special!

...25 next year...GULP!


Benjamin and Mollie said...

Sounds like fun! I love the cute gift treasure hunt :) Oh boy, I know-- I am so not looking forward to 25 next year!! It sounds waaay older than 24!

Unknown said...

Hey I'm so glad you had a Happy Birthday!! What a creative hubby:)