Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day the Johnson Way

September 3rd-6th

This year we celebrated Labor Day in Denali Nat'l Park with most of the Johnson Clan! We had a fun time. It was the longest camping trip of my adult life - a whopping 3 days! Brett and I were the lone tent-campers in the group. We were quite comfortable, but I have to admit, at night when it got cold, I considered knocking on the motor home door!

Uncle Brett playing with Sauley Monster! I love Bretski all geared up in his Alaskan-wear!

Some of the group took a bus tour. Brett has fond memories of this bus ride from his youth. We saw bears, moose, caribou, sheep, etc. We had a great time - although my face may not show it. I get awfully motion sick, but the drive was beautiful!

Is this not the cutest group of kiddos?

Family hike!
Haakon, Linds, and Saul on our little hike with the fam!

On the way home, Brett and I stopped at a little hiking trail that led to a waterfall!

On our LAST day in Denali - Mt McKinley showed herself! The scenery was GORGEOUS, especially with the fall colors!

1 comment:

Stevenson Family said...

You are turning so "Alaskan." That last picture is gorgeous!