1. ELDER CLARK AEGERTER IS HOME!!! HOORAY! Clark arrived home on September 10th and reported that Sunday in Sacrament meeting. He shared a strong and certain testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel! He left a boy and has returned a MAN! Welcome home! WE LOVE YOU!
2. I have finished my nursing preceptorship. Hallelujah! I worked in the Intermediate ICU and UVRMC and really enjoyed it. That isn't to say I didn't come home some days nearly in tears from frustration, but all in all it was a GREAT experience. In part, due to my preceptor, Chris, who allowed me to feel comfortable and learn SO MUCH!
3. Brett took me downhill mountain biking for the first time and...well...I'm ALIVE! We had a good time, but I think we'll have to start with baby steps and work up from there!

4. Conference weekend has been AMAZING!! On Friday night we went to Brett's mission reunion. I think he had a great time seeing old friends and practicing a little Albanian. Saturday morning we went to conference and as always, that was FANTASTIC! Members of a family that Clark got close to on his mission are visiting and attended conference with us. It's been nice getting to know them. Tonight we will be celebrating my mommy's belated birthday! I'll post pictures soon... :)
PHEW! I'm sure that I'm missing some activities, but those are the highlights of the last few weeks!
The biking pictures are beautiful!
Wow, you guys sure do keep busy! Tell Clark hi for me! And congrats with all the nursing stuff! You're awesome!
That's so exciting that Clark is home! Tell him hi!
ok Lex!!! Did not even recognize clark! That isn't the boy I remember! But give him our best and tell him welcome back!
Congrats on finishing the nursing and for surviving! I love your new background, super cute:)
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