Brett and I decided we ought to go on a little camping trip before we head to Alaska so...WE DID! I have never been to Arches before, so we decided to go there. IT WAS PACKED! After making friends with Ranger Tim, we were lucky enough to get a camping spot in the park. We hiked around on Saturday until the early afternoon at which point we headed into Moab and checked out the Arts Festival. That evening we made hot dogs for dinner and popcorn for dessert. We then went to a little presentation about venomous animals put on by Ranger Rob. It was really fun! When we got back we watched half of a movie on my laptop (that then died) and went to sleep. We were pooped! The next morning we woke up, hiked a few more trails, and headed home.
We first hiked to Landscape Arch
After Landscape Arch we headed down the trail and quickly came upon what we thought was Double O Arch...
We later came upon the ACTUAL Double O Arch... HAHA!
That same day we hiked to Delicate Arch - which was MUCH larger than I thought it would be. There were crowds of people there. We watched a man propose to his girlfriend under the arch. Pretty fun! This is a picture of the directions on a garbage can at the beginning of one of the trails. As we sat on the tailgate of the truck and ate lunch, we watched probably ten people try to figure out how to open this garbage can. After trying a few times they would eventually give the can one last strange look and then walk off. We just sat there and laughed! I wish we had it on camera!
FIRE!! I love fire! Popcorn for dessert!
Our view from the truck The back of the truck where we slept in our queen sized sleeping bag "Big Bertha"
Lexi.. Oh my goodness, I can't believe I came across your blog. I was on one of my friends blogs that is friends with Chelsea and of couse I was doing some blog stalking and Ta Da.. Here you are! Looks like you guys are doing great. Your trip looks like it was super fun. And I love the pictures of your husband's prego belly. thats great! We need to keep in touch, let me know how everything is going.
My favorite part is making popcorn over the fire and the garbage can story!! You should have watched people while you ate the popcorn. It could have been a show, really.
That looks sooo beautiful! When do you head for the big AK? Will you be making a stop by the Hirt Farm? HOpe so. See you around!
Fun and Beautiful. Was it a hard hike? I would like to go and try it. Be careful on your 50 hour drive, wear your seat belt, etc!
How fun! You guys totally camped out in the back of the truck! I love it!
Looks like you guys had loads of fun! I love that you just slept in the back of the truck!
I can't believe you are driving to Alaska, that's way far! Good luck on your journey!!
This looks like so much fun! Brent would love to go on a trip like this. I love all the pictures and the weather looked perfect for hiking.
That looks so pretty! I am jealous of all the fun trips you guys get to have!
Hey pretty girl!! I am so glad you found me!! You and your husband are adorable!! Looks like you guys have a lot of fun!!!
Lexi.. Oh my goodness, I can't believe I came across your blog. I was on one of my friends blogs that is friends with Chelsea and of couse I was doing some blog stalking and Ta Da.. Here you are! Looks like you guys are doing great. Your trip looks like it was super fun. And I love the pictures of your husband's prego belly. thats great! We need to keep in touch, let me know how everything is going.
I am jealous, I love it down there! Looks like you had fun, congrats on the new nephew!
My favorite part is making popcorn over the fire and the garbage can story!! You should have watched people while you ate the popcorn. It could have been a show, really.
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