Sunday, February 15, 2009

HaPpY VaLeNtInE's DaY!!!!!

And boy was it ever a Happy Valentine's Day!! Our festivities began the evening before when Brett surprised me with my Valentine's Day present early. What was it? A GIANT SLEEPING BAG!! Haha! It's HUGE!!!! Don't get me wrong, I, like any girl, LOVE flowers and all of the fun that comes along with such holidays, but this is a PERFECT gift for me. Practical, yet fun! I was so excited! Friday evening Brett and I drove my Mom's SUV up Provo Canyon just past Vivian Park and stayed the night in our new sleeping bag - ROASTY TOASTY! Bright and early we threw on our snow gear, packed our bag, grabbed our sled and put on our snowshoes. We hiked up the Big Springs trail and this is where the fun began....

This is the sleeping bag!! :) Room for at least 4 and it's so warm!

Here is Brett holding our sleeping bag! (He's on the phone with his mom wishing her a Happy Valentine's Day)

Just a little something special for our blog fans out there! Haha! YIKES! I was afraid I might freeze to death so I borrowed a pair of Brett's thermals.

In the morning, lounging on our sleeping bag.

...Brett and our good friend Matt had tromped this trail a few weeks before, trying to find the perfect place for Matt to propose to his girlfriend Nikki (one of my best friends). Friday evening Matt came by and brought us a tablecloth, snacks, candy, and the DIAMOND RING so that we could hike to the predetermined spot to set up before he and Nikki made their way up the trail just behind us on Valentine's Day.

Big Springs Trail

Brett heading up the trail. I felt bad... he carried a huge backpack and hauled the sled behind him.

I felt like Little Red Riding Hood walking through the woods with my basket!

A snapshot on our way up the trail. We had to stop ever 50 feet so I wouldn't kill over from an Asthma attack. I'm such a wuss!!

...When they arrived, Brett and I were hidden in the trees with digital and video cameras in hand to capture the big engagement! She said "YES"!!! After celebrating for a while, we hiked back down the trail and talked about the plans that had been made regarding the engagement over the previous weeks. It was so hard knowing that Matt was going to propose and trying my best to trick Nikki into thinking it wouldn't be for a while - but it paid off! We are so excited for Matt and Nikki and we are glad we were able to be part of such an exiting day for the two of them! :)

Brett shoveling off the picnic table.

The snacks displayed on the picnic table.

A little bubbly to celebrate with!

Our snowshoes.

Brett in our secret hiding place. Waiting waiting...freezing FREEZING!!


Kissy! Kissy!

Nikki and I just after they got engaged!

Brett somehow found the energy to run up a hill along the path and sled down. Crazy Alaskan!
Align Center
Loading the truck back up to head home.
Nikki with her bling. HAPPY, HAPPY GIRL!
We met up again for a celebratory dinner that evening at Ruby River Steakhouse. The wait was up to 4 hours, but lucklily our friend Adam, who serves there, was able to get us in quickly. It was delicious!! :) I got a 16oz New York Cut steak mmmmmmmm!!
The four of us at dinner - YUM YUM!
Adam, our friend and server :)

What a great day!! :) Congrats Matt and Nikki!
Happy Valentine's Day! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!


Holly said...

What a fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day! That sleeping bag looks awesome. You two are so cute!

Kimberly King said...

Oh my heck! You and your husband are just adorable! I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one who is a wussy asthmatic!!! I just got asked to go on the Pioneer Trek this summer because my husband is in the young men's presidency. I am regretting my decision to say "yes." What on EARTH was I thinking?!?! This experience just might kill me... Looks like you two are having tons of fun though!!!

Stevenson Family said...

Looks like you had fun! That's cool you could be a part of the engagement. By-the-way those thermals are freakin' hot!!

Chris said...


Casseron said...

That really is the biggest sleeping bad I have ever seen!!! You guys need to come to st. george and we can go camping and you, me, brett, and cam can all sleep in that sucker!!

Brett and Lex said...

Hahah! Cass, you are so funny! We would definitely fit! We'd love to visit you in St. George! We just need to make it happen one of these days!

Unknown said...

What an awesome Valentine's Day! You guys are very adventurous to say the least. lol! I am definitely up for a get together, let me know. :D I'm so happy for you Allie! You and your hubby are way too cute!!!