Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hammer Time!!

That's right everyone - Brett and I went to the MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice concert! Our friends Grayson and Shannon invited us to come to the concert and we were thrilled. After making a visit to Savers we met up with the rest of the group at Rumbi Grill. We all packed into one car (all 8 of us) and headed to UVU for the main event.


So excited for the night to begin!

The other couples:

Rumbi Grill

What are the odds? We had the same sweet belt!!

Some of the fellas!

The ladies!

MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice were in this limo!!
The wait was long and cold, but worth it. Lots of people were dressed up. Our favorite was a guy dressed in a purple, sparkly leotard jumpsuit. I wish I had a picture!!

Waiting in line to get in!

The crowd!

Brett is star struck!

We saw Linds and Dane (some friends of ours) at the concert. Look at Dane's outfit!

Brett was sportin' the neon hammer pants and matching hat!

My matching 80s outfit!

We had a great time dancing!!!! The opening band was called "Love You Long Time" - they were pretty darn good. MUCH BETTER than Vanilla Ice, that's for sure! Vanilla Ice was a joke. His background looked like a collection of cheesy Halloween decorations. His "backup dancer", if you will, was a clown dressed up in a Santa suit who sprayed water all over the crowd. His new songs were mildly satanic and the only one we loved was of course, "ICE ICE BABY"!!

I don't know if it was to build anticipation or what, but after Vanilla Ice we had to wait another 45 minutes for MC Hammer to perform. Luckily, there was a DJ and MC to keep things interesting, but we were more than ready for a little "Hammer Time".

Waiting for MC Hammer. Near the end of the night everyone was so worn out!

MC Hammer was really entertaining and he stuck to the old school songs. His backup dancers were awesome, his son was actually one of them. We took off a little early to avoid traffic and because we were so tired. I don't think we've stayed up past 11pm since we've been married and it was nearing 1am! HAHA!

Overall the night was a lot of fun despite the disappointment of Vanilla Ice. Hammer pulled through and we were in great company!! Thanks, Grayson and Shan!


Somerset said...

You look hot...Word to yo mutha! And, the sparkling purple spandex comes to Zumba sometimes...and he wears that outfit. I wonder where he got it?

Holly said...

We're jealous! That is so awesome, and you guys look great! I'd seriously consider re-doing your whole closet so you two can always look this cool:)

Chris said...

What fun! I made all three of my boys pants like your hubby's. They wore them to my little sisters wedding, suspenders and all. She'll never let me live that down.

collinanddani said...

Hey how do you know Covey and Shani? It is such a small world and man am I sad I missed that concert it looked like a blast! You guys have so much fun!

Stevenson Family said...

Hilarious! I didn't know you went. Nice earrings!

Clark Family said...

I love your outfits!! You guys look great!!

Lil Lizzie said...

oh gosh, i just have to comment on the amazing-ness of your costumes. you guys are so great :)

-liz (from brett's lab!)