Friday, April 23, 2010

Hogle Zoo

On the last day of Spring Break we visited the Hogle Zoo to meet the new baby elephant and enjoy being out in the sun! We had such a fun time seeing all of the animals and riding the little train. Here are a few pictures. (The problem with manning the camera is you never get pictures with yourself in them! Oops!)

Ben, my little brother, in the middle and Heidi's kids are the other monkeys!

Cute Jax
Heidi and baby Haidyn
Jamie and Ash
Yay for Spring!


Brooke said...

Looks like fun. All of those kids are getting so big....including Ben!

Richard and Carlie said...

Hooray! Welcome back to blogging! It was so fun to see you a couple weeks ago. Your surprise trip to St. Louis sounded so fun!